Hi Team/ @vijay_kumar
We’re trying to run mimoto as docker container by following the steps here but getting this error : no main manifest attribute, in /opt/mimoto-service/mimoto-0.12.0-javadoc.jar
Please, suggest if we are missing something here?
Hi, @Aniket_Aditya Thank you for reaching out @vijay_kumar is looking into your issue and will get back to you shortly.
Best Regards
Hi @Aniket_Aditya ,
The docker-compose folder that you are referring is old one, and we have introduced latest docker-compose in the develop branch.
Please feel free to use the docker-compose from develop branch.
We are planning to release a new version of Mimoto with docker-compose changes soon. we will keep you posted on this, in the community.
Thanks for reaching out.
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Hi @Aniket_Aditya
Can you please let us know if you are still facing issues running docker-compose from develop branch?
Swati Goel
Hi @swatigoel do we have any dependency on the nginx specified in docker-compose file. We tried running it without nginx and it is not working. Is there a way to skip nginx and run only mimoto-service?
nginx is needed to sever static file mimoto-issuers-config.json.
@swatigoel how to add ssl in that?
@Ankit_Srivastava That’s an infrastructure question and it depends upon the way you deploy the solution. Typically we see our adopters adding SSL at the northbound traffic entry. You may need to speak to your DevOps or infrastructure engineers to decide the same.
The nginx docker we use internally is just a file server for internal use and has nothing to do with your traffic.
Hi @Aniket_Aditya
As you received the previous response from our side were you able to take this ahead? If still there is confusion please let us know.
Best regards,
Sanchi Singh
Hi @Aniket_Aditya,
are you still facing the issue?