Mimoto API local setup


We are trying to run the Mimoto API locally but facing below error. Kindly guide us as how to solve this.

org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on POST request for “https://iam.dev2.mosip.net/auth/realms/mosip/protocol/openid-connect/token”: [iam.dev2.mosip.net/] failed: Operation timed out (Connection timed out); nested exception is org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to failed: Operation timed out (Connection timed out)

Hi @dhanendra
We are working on creating docker compose file to start mimoto in local.
As per current configuration, it requires few changes in code to start spring boot from maven command.

Let me work on that and share a patch to start mimoto using maven command

What is our expectation from mimoto? Mimoto is just a BFF(Backend for Frontend). It requires few downstream services to work. In case of OpenId4VCI, it requires esignet to perform authorization and get the VC from any provider.