After mapping the device and SBI, I tried doing the next step as stated here Confluence
which is to run the create-device-keystore.sh
I have tried but I couldnât produce the expected files Device.p12 and signed-Device.crt
So I viewed the create-device-keystore.sh in a text editor
In the third line, it is referring to a file - mosip-signed-client.crt
echo âNote: mosip-signed-client.crt is the certificate issued by mosip after successful onboard of device providerâ
I figured this must be the Certificate created for the client, so I viewed it using PMS portal, and then save it to a file named mosip-signed-client.crt and placed it to the CA_CERT_UTILITY folder.
I ran the script but as I said none of the expected files that are needed to be placed in mock MDS.zip are created.
So I ran the commands in the create-device-keystore-sh one at a time to see what is happening.
Here is the error produced:
C:\CA_CERT_UTILITY\CA_CERT_UTILITY>openssl x509 -req -extensions usr_cert -extfile ./openssl.cnf -days 30 -in Device.csr -CA mosip-signed.crt -CAkey Client.key -set_serial 05 -out signed-Device.crt
Certificate request self-signature ok
subject=C = PH, ST = Metro Manila, L = QC, O = FACE, OU = FACE, CN = FACE
Could not open file or uri for loading CA certificate from mosip-signed.crt
50450000:error:16000069:STORE routines:ossl_store_get0_loader_int:unregistered scheme:crypto\store\store_register.c:237:scheme=file
50450000:error:80000002:system library:file_open:No such file or directory:providers\implementations\storemgmt\file_store.c:267:calling stat(mosip-signed.crt)
Unable to load CA certificate
Now, I realize that it is inevitable that I will encounter an error, since I wasnât exactly doing it as it was describe in Confluence
I used the PMS portal instead of Swagger, in uploading the certificates created using CA_CERT_UTILITY. In doing so, with help and instructions provided, I managed to upload the certificate and map the device and SBI.
But, now I do not know how to run create-device-keystore.sh to produce the files needed. Can this be done through a web UI? How do I fix the error when running it using the CA_CERT_UTILITY? Where would I find the missing files stated in the error message? Is there another way of creating the needed files without running create-device-keystore.sh script in the the CA_CERT_UTILITY folder?