Tutorial on how to setup the environment for configuring mock-MDS?

You can use this link: https://mosip.atlassian.net/l/cp/uxSSbhpX
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Sharing @Nambi 's document as well.

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@nayakrounak Thank you very much. I am now able to run mock-MDS with regclient recognizing the mock devices.

@Nambi Your document provided by @nayakrounak was also helpful.

Upon testing the regclient, while scanning the biometric devices, the iris and the face scan did not meet the treshold. Iris is only 44% against the default 60, and face is 44% against the default 90%.

Where/how do I change the default treshold for Iris and face?

Is it possible to provide other images aside from those within mock-mds?

Hi @rcsampang

  • By using Postman you can change/increase quality score.
    Post url:
    “type”: “Biometric Device”,
    “qualityScore”: “70”,
    “fromIso” : false
    Please refer attached screenshot.

  • To change images in mock MDS, please follow steps given in the below link

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@chandra_sekhar Thank you so much. I will try this and will update this reply.

All the best.

I tried postman, used the provided URL in the browser of machine where mockMDS and regclient is running (Windows 10)

Here is the screenshot


I tried with


No idea how to get the desired result. Now I will try adding pictures. Thanks!

Hi @rcsampang ,

I have an alternative solution here.

You can reduce the threshold value in the registration client by changing the properties and syncing the new configurations.

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@nayakrounak Thank you. This is a solution I can work on.

Although, I was able to implement a work around, I am sure it wasn’t the proper way.

I edited the application.properties of MockMDS and changed the value of quality score from 44 to 94, so that it would meet the iris threshold of 60 and face threshold 90


and then run mvn clean install again

It worked I was able to do sample registration of a person through the regclient.

At hindsight, I realized, that with this setting, even if I managed to change the images, it won’t make a difference since the quality score value is hard coded.

Thankfully, @nayakrounak pointed to me an alternative solution, which I can manage to implement.

I am truly grateful to all the help, assistance, and support provided. Many thanks!

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@rcsampang Thank you so much for your kind words.

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Hi @chandra_sekhar

Thanks for sharing. But I can’t access the page!!

Is it the same Building a Mock Registration MDS for your 1.2.0.x MOSIP Setup - MOSIP Support Desk - Confluence (atlassian.net)?

Hi @kamiri ,

You can use this page to build a Mock MDS.


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When I want to register a partner, the keycloak register form is not the same as the one you give.

I get a “KER-KMS-012” error ( “Key Generation Process is not completed.” ) when I try to upload partner certificate.
I have followed all the steps mentioned in this tutorial https://mosip.atlassian.net/wiki/external/621215755/Y2ZiMGQ0YjZmOWIzNGRjNjlhMzU5MWE1YjY3YTgyYTE.
The Ca an CaIntermediate certificates are both uploaded succefully, but it’s not the case for partner certificate.

Hi Hamid,

Have you ran the keygenerator job in keymanager service? If you can you please check in keymanager DB key_alias table there should be a record with app_id as PMS and ref_id as “”.

In case no record available, please generate the PMS key using swagger or re-run the keygenerator job for keymanager service.

Can you please share what is the value configured in kernel-default.properties file for property “mosip.kernel.keymanager.autogen.appids.list”


Hello @mahammedtaheer. Thank you for your response.
Here is the value of “mosip.kernel.keymanager.autogen.appids.list” in kerneldefault.properties:

and here is the updated key_alias table:

But I’ve already solved this error by adding ROOT to key_alias.

Now I have this error:

Hi @hamid

Have you added the ROOT to key_alias table manually? The ROOT should get added in the key_alias table after running the keygenerator job.

Possible for you to share the key manager service logs?



I’ve added ROOT to key_alias using swagger.
here are the logs:

Now I’m trying to run the keygenerator service but I got these errors:

Hi @hamid

“No such alias: [alias]” exception will be thrown if the alias mapped to a key is not found in HSM/SoftHSM.

Using which API in swagger you have used to add the ROOT to key_alias?

Can you please share all the keymanager service logs.

Also confirm how many entries are available in keymanager key_alias table.


Hi @mahammedtaheer
I have run the keygenerator and these alias are added to the table key_alias:

Now I have this error:

Hi @hamid

As per the DB records it looks like the keygenerator job has generated required keys in SoftHSM/HSM.

For which Keymanager API you are getting the 500 response?

Possible for you share the full keymanager service logs.
