<Review Stage> Biometric Device Certification Framework - Biometric Quality (Draft)

Dear Team,

It gives me great pleasure to provide you with this update on our joint efforts to introduce a uniform certification framework for biometric devices.

The goal of this endeavor is to:

  • Develop a framework with standardised assessment criteria and standard operating procedures to evaluate devices and solutions against these criteria.

  • Promote the development of standardised MOSIP biometric device certification programmes offered by independent labs that are empaneled. These labs will issue MACP (MOSIP Advance Compliance Program) Certification.

The first output of this track, a draft document covering biometric quality is out for your review comments, and feedback. Please send us an email with your comments or post them in this thread.

This is just the beginning of the track; we’ll shortly post additional opportunities for collaboration, including formation of working groups led by the community members. A partner meeting/webinar will also be planned to go through the overall roadmap, timelines, and objectives.

We look forward to continued collaboration on this effort.

Sanjith Sundaram