I need guidance on how to integrate esignet to LDAP service

I am working on an identity management service that uses eSignet’s OIDC to connect to an LDAP service. I am having difficulty getting documentation on how to integrate eSignet to the LDAP service. I am researching how eSignet’s keycloak could be a pathway. in the interim.

Dear @drkingkyavoni ,

Thank you for reaching out, let me ask one of our expert collegues to look into your query and respond to it here.

Best Regards

Hello @drkingkyavoni ,

Sorry for the late reply.

You could add eSignet as an Identity provider in the Keycloak and use the eSignet option to log in. For more info refer

Mostly you are looking to write an Authenticator plugin to connect to your LDAP service from eSignet.
Here are the links that can help you understand the flow and plugin interfaces - Authenticator Plugin | eSignet

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks & regards,