DAT-SER-001 --> Not allowed to generate new key pair for other domains or not allowed to generate base key

We are getting error in Biometric deduplication stage with below logs,

io.mosip.registration.processor.abis.handler.exception.DataShareException: RPR-BDD-005 → DAT-SER-001 → Not allowed to generate new key pair for other domains or not allowed to generate base key.

As of now we are using Mock SDK for biometric capture. Please help what kind of configuration is missing.

Dear @Ganesh_Subramanian ,

Apologies for a delayed response, Wanted to check if you still need help with the issue you were facing and in that case I would request my expert colleague to look at your query and help you resolve it.

Best Regards

Any solutions to this ? I’m currently facing the same issue!

Dear @Junias ,

Thank you for reaching out, I am requesting our expert colleague to respond to your query.

Best Regards

Yes, we seek your support to resolve this. The root cause is there is no entry in Keymanager.keyalias table with reference id mpartner-default-abis in stable version 1.2.01. where as has. Earlier we didnt face any issue in B3. But after deploying the stable we are getting the above. Looking forward to your attention.

@keshavs any update the request?