Authentication-demo-ui Tutorial


Can you sahre a tutorial to integrate, create partner and certificat for authentication-demo-ui.

Hell bch,

You can take it from here

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Thank you @Krish for your help :slight_smile:
I will work with this tutorial and I will you notify if it well works.

Hi @Krish,

I created the two partners auth and misp with the certificates.
In the Step 9 by excuting the demo application i have an issue there is no certificat with applicationId = IDA and referenceId=PARTNER.

In code source there is a getCertificate methode to get the certificat ( IDA, PARTNER)

Hi again @Krish,
I try to create a CSR using by admin GUI but i have the bellow issue:


IDA Partner certificate will be created by system during IDA Deployment. Request you to check key_alias table in IDA db for application_id = IDA & reference_id =PARTNER. Also confirm the count of records in this table

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Hi @thamarai_kannan,

i found this records in key-alias table:

Hi, the screen shot showed is from keymgr.keyalias table. Request you to check in ida.keyalias table

DB : mosip_ida
Schema : ida
Table : key_alias

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key-alias of mosip-ida database is empty.

In this case your ida key generator pod not completed successfully. Please check other table in the ida database. If all tables are empty, request you redeploy the ida so keys will regenerate

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Yes all ida tables are empty expect the key-policy-def table.
Ok i will deploy it
There is a git repository of ida key generator ?

Please redeploy ida module using mosip-infra script. After redeploy you can see keygenerator job in IDA namespace. This job will insert records

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Hi @thamarai_kannan,
Thanks for reply i will check it.

If you you have another way to generate this certificat in local developement machine I would be grateful.

you can run kernel keygenerator in Local system by pointing to your local IDA DB. it will generate keys.

Note : For this you should connect with hsm.

Please select required branch for execution

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Hi @thamarai_kannan,
Thanks for your reply.
I will try key-generator with ida-db,

Otherwise should change the bellow configuration ?



HI, Required properties you can refer from “” from mosip-config.

Please copy the same to local and execute Keygen job

For LTS : mosip-config/ at · mosip/mosip-config · GitHub

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Hi @thamarai_kannan

What’s the value of ${} should be ?
It’s required this certificats ?

hi, above mentioned key is wrong.
Please find the correct one from

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Thank you @thamarai_kannan for your help
I generated the ida-keys using your recomendation.
I will try to run the authentication-demo-ui.

If i have another question il will post it in new topic.

Thank you again :slight_smile: