Websub Deployment Problem (MOSIP v1.2.0.1-B1)

We are facing an error in the deploy of Websub, in kubernetes.

Thank you

The issue at hand appears to be that Websub is unable to establish a connection with Kafka. It is recommended that you verify whether Kafka, which is a dependency of Websub, has been deployed and is reachable from the cluster.


we have a lot of mosip services deployed, is it recommended to reinstall kafka in advanced stage ??

And all pods of Kafka are UP, it’s recommended to delete it and reinstall ?

Hi @slimab

it is not advisable to perform a reinstallation of Kafka. I kindly suggest you to check if you can access the Kafka topics through the UI, and to also verify the websub configuration file from the configuration repository. Additionally, you may attempt to restart the consolidator.

Generally we face this issue in websub consolidator due to below mentioned two points:

  1. websub consolidator not able to reach out to kafka due to underlying cluster issue or incorrect configuration in configs.
  2. websub is deployed before consolidator is deployed.

In the 2nd scenerio if websub service is deployed ahead of consolidator it create topic with single partition but as per our need we need topic with 20 partitions. This is achieved by consolidator.


  1. check the configuration and update it to correct one.
  2. for 2nd issue:
    a. delete websub and websub-consolidator.
    b. delete the below mentioned topics in kafka
    i. registered-websub-topics
    ii. consolidated-websub-topics
    iii. registered-websub-subscribers
    iv. consolidated-websub-subscribers
    reference: mosip-config/websub-consolidator.toml at v1.2.0.1-B1 · mosip/mosip-config · GitHub
    c. deploy websub-consolidator
    d. deploy websub service

Please try these and confirm back.

I confirm that now the Websub is stable.

Thank you

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