Unable to run pre-registration-ui module

Hello @all,

We are trying to run pre-registration-ui module and its started successfully. But on the browser, UI is not populating properly and showing loading symbol. I think it is trying to get some configuration data from “https://localhost:4200/proxyapi/preregistration/v1/login/config” URL. So is there any configuration we have to follow to load UI part. FYI we have followed all steps from Official document URL ‘[Pre-registration Developers Guide | MOSIP Docs 1.2.0]

For more details, please check attached the screenshot for same.


We are waiting for your response.
Thanks in advance!
Ganesh Nawle.

Hello MOSIP Team,

Any Updates on above ?

Ganesh Nawle

@aihamh Please look into this query for pre-registration and reply with a resolution here !

Best regards,

Hi @ganesh_nawle ,

can u please change config.json file BASE_URL in pre-reg-ui repo to the particular env which you want to point to.

ex : {
“BASE_URL”: “https://prereg.dev1.mosip.net/”,
“PRE_REG_URL”: “preregistration/v1/”

i.e: replace dev1 with your env name

Best Regards,

Please let us know was the above issue resolved @ganesh_nawle !