I previously filed in a form for MOSIP Collab environment variables request and submitted to your team on 11th August 2023, however, i have not received any response
My requirement is to install and customize The Pre-Registration Module independently on my machine thus consuming the services from Collab.
I am new to mosip and have been a taking lessons from the Mosip Academy, I would like to practice and sharpen my understanding in how mosip works and can build services and customizations on top of pre-existing MOSIP modules
The requirements for installation of the MOSIP infrastructure are very high and apparently I cannot afford to run such in my local setup that is why I thought I could have separate modules running so that I can customize basing on pre-existing installations on Collab
If you wish to setup Pre Registration module locally then follow below steps:
Check if you can access the https://collab.mosip.net environment.
You can use the URL’s(for other MOSIP services like KeyManager, MasterData etc)) pointing to this environment when you setup Pre Reg locally.
Will be happy to help you out if you face any issues in the above steps and incase if you have already followed these steps let us know where is the issue coming so our team can look at it and provide solution to you.
Dear @sanchi-singh24 the documentations shared earlier has been very helpful in installing the pre-registration services and UI,
However, the next question is how do i get to connect them to work together, as the pre registration UI is running and the Pre registration is running too seperately.
Is there a way to make them work together?
Thanks for letting us know that documentation helped you out to setup pre-reg , one of our team member is checking this out to provide you the easiest way possible and provide a configuration to run pre-reg UI & pre-reg together.
This command will not work directly, few runtime dependencies are there.
You need to add them in the build path in your IDE and launch the run “PreRegistrationApplication.java” from IDE runtime dependencies: kernel-auth-adapter, etc as in this screenshot given below:
We can see from attached logs that you are getting connection error to Postgresql. Can you please check the relevant postgresql properties in pre-reg default properties.
ie: javax.persistence.jdbc.url