OIDC UI problem

I have set the OIDC UI on local machine (dev env), the app is running but when i try accessing the well-know APIs i get the page below. could you please advise about this issue.

I followed the same steps metionned here : OIDC UI ReadME

The esignet services are running OK .
The mock IDA services are rinning OK.

I am using the master branch.

same issue was raised here 1418 , but the solution proposed was not helping.

Hi @zakaria_daoudi,

Welcome to the community and thank you for reaching out. We are looking into this query and will get back to you shortly.

Best Regards

Hi Vibha

any updates on this.

Thank you.

Hi @zakaria_daoudi,
Can you please share the eSignet logs and console logs for analysis ?

Hi @zakaria_daoudi ,

All the wellknown urls are handled with nginx to route to valid path hosted from esignet-service.

Please check this nginx conf part of our deployment scripts.

If you running in local using our docker-compose file, then this should already in place - esignet/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml at master · mosip/esignet · GitHub

If you still face the issue, please consider sharing esignet-service logs.

thanks & regards


Thank you for the help.

As i run the code from IDE not from docker.I solved the problem by changing the DEFAULT_WELLKNOWN in env-config.js file.


And change PUBLIC_URL to REACT_APP_ESIGNET_API_URL in the EsignetDetails.js file.


Dear @zakaria_daoudi ,

Happy to know that. If you have any specific concerns or need further clarification, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to address them.

Best Regards,