Looking for clarification on how to integrate MOSIP with the current national identification systems

Hello Everyone,

I am exploring MOSIP as a robust framework for implementing a digital identity solution, and I would like to understand how it can integrate with existing National ID systems that are already operational in a country.

Specifically, I have the following questions:

  1. Interoperability: How flexible is MOSIP when integrating with legacy systems that may not fully adhere to open standards? Are there predefined APIs or tools that facilitate this process?
  2. Data Migration: For countries that already have significant National ID databases, what are the typical steps or challenges when migrating this data into MOSIP? Are there any case studies or best practices available?
  3. Scalability Concerns: If a country has a large population, what measures does MOSIP have to ensure scalability without compromising performance?
  4. Security and Privacy: How does MOSIP handle the secure transition of sensitive personal data from existing systems? Are there in-built mechanisms to maintain compliance with global privacy frameworks (e.g., GDPR)?

I am part of a technical team evaluating solutions for upgrading our current ID infrastructure, and understanding these aspects will help us gauge the feasibility of adopting ruby MOSIP.

If anyone has prior experience deploying MOSIP alongside or on top of existing systems, I would greatly appreciate insights or resources that could provide further clarity.

Thank you for your time and guidance. I look forward to learning from your expertise and discussions.


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Hi @romie090 ,

Welcome to the community! Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful questions about integrating MOSIP with existing National ID systems.

Apologies for the delayed response, and we truly appreciate your patience. We are currently looking into your query, and one of our experts will provide a comprehensive response shortly.

Best Regards,

I also have the same scenario as the question. Can I integrate MOSIP on top of existing system. I only need MOSIP authentication system. And I want to store finalized national data (biographic and biometric - ABIS is already integrated in the existing system) in MOSIP and use them to authenticate citizens. As I read your documentation as for now, I think I may have to store data in id repository. But it required to have registration id, which I dont have, if I store data from existing system

Hello @romie090,

When you say you want to are looking at integration MOSIP with current national identification systems, let me first understand the reasons behind it

a. What features of MOSIP are you considering that you find lacking in the existing system ?
b. What are the pain points in the existing system that you feel may be resolved using MOSIP ?

Let me now answer your specific queries
Interoperability. : Obviously we cannot expect existing systems to be complaint with open standards. Depending upon the data formats, notations and input/output considerations, there are places where one could customize MOSIP to talk to an existing system. It depends on what do you want to achieve here.

Data Migration : It is possible to migrate existing data into MOSIP, before before that it is very important to study and analyze existing data structure that comprises of demographic, biometric data and the documents that are to be migrated. One has to do thorough investigation of the existing data such as
a. Checking the integrity and completeness of the demographic data
b. Verifying the integrity, quality and completeness of the biometric data

The outcome of this activity can result in some findings such as
a. Records with missing data such as phone numbers, email IDs, Face photo etc, address
b. Records that contain poor quality biometrics
c. Records that contain ghost information with no referential integrity with main data
d. Duplicate records

Creating an inference engine out of the above data can result in decision making such as how many people might have to be called for ID data update., how many ID records have expired, locked or disabled, how many records have no address details in them, no phone numbers and no other contact details, how do we identify such people for renewals, so and so forth.

Also a thorough investigation about the complexity, performance, endurance and maintainability of the current system has be considered.

Remember, the cost of migration is not small considering the economic, political and socio aspects of a country.

Scalability concerns : Being micro-services based, MOSIP is highly scalability. It is possible to fine tune every micro-service to both vertically and horizontally scale to achieve the required level of performance.

Security and Privacy : MOSIP handles security and privacy in a very comprehensive way securing every bit of data whether at rest or in transit. You may refer to Privacy and Security | MOSIP Docs 1.2.0 for complete details.

Last but not the least, the code is out in public ; Modular Open Source Identity Platform · GitHub that can be cloned and customized to the needs of the country.

You may also consider eSignet https://docs.esignet.io. that can be used as an add-on system to any existing digital ID solution to bring in additional capabilities and enhance functionalities.


Thank you for the reply. So I think esignet is the one we need. Is there anything that I need to need when integrating esignet