How to run Auth Demo UI - Error - Capture Failed

I think I am now able to run Auth Demo UI app, but there is an error when using it.

I did not use the Postman collection. I am using the UIN of a person I registered before. I can verify this user exist and active in our MOSIP platform using Swagger.

Excerpt of the log file :
{“biometrics”:[{“specVersion”:“”,“data”:“”,“hash”:“”,“sessionKey”:“”,“thumbprint”:“”,“error”:{“errorCode”:“805”,“errorInfo”:“Device is not connected or not Registered for the deviceId given in Auth Capture request object”}}]}

Anyone who can teach me how to resolve this error ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hey @rcsampang

Sure I can ask one of my team experts in ID Authentication to guide you for the capture failure that Is happening.

Best Regards,

@rcsampang , The above error could be due to one of the below reasons. Can you please check in the MDS/SBI:
a) Device not connected
b) the device certificate is not uploaded in partner management
c) the key is not sync to MDS/SBI
d) the L1 FTM key not valid

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