Hello All,
I am trying to integrate smart card printing and personalizing [writing data in smartcard] system.
From MOSIP documentation, i understood that the registered user data will be shared using websub and partner needs to host the Print Service.
Following is the link of said document:
Following is the link of reference code of Print Service:
I have tried to build and run the code, following are the steps and issues i am facing currently:
- Install the [pre-requisites]
- Installed Ngrok and Java 11
- Pre-requisite: Config Server is not installed, as it is unclear to me what all the needed steps are.
- Query 1 : is Config Server setup is mandatory to run only Print Service at our end?
- In windows command prompt:
- Execute âcd printâ
- Execute âmvn clean installâ
- Error 1: Could not find artifact info.weboftrust:ld-signatures-java:jar:0.8.0 in ossrh
- Updated pom.xml to resolve Error 1:
- Added dependency of weboftrust in pom.xml.
- Execute âmvn clean installâ
- Error 2: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin:1.5:sign (sign-artifacts) on project print: Exit code: 1
- Updated pom.xml again to resolve Error 2:
- Added code âtrueâ to skip the pgp signature verification in plugin âgroupId>org.apache.maven.pluginsIâ.
- Execute âmvn clean installâ
- Build Success
- Start NGROK:
- Execute command ângrok http 80â [see attached ngrok.png]
- Execute following Run command:
- Execute âcd targetâ
- Execute âjava -Dspring.profiles.active=env -Dspring.cloud.config.uri=localhostlink -Dspring.cloud.config.label=master -jar print-â
- Error 3 : Could not resolve placeholder âmosip.auth.adapter.impl.basepackageâ in value â${mosip.auth.adapter.impl.basepackage}â. [see attached log âError 3_Log.txt]
Query 2: MOSIP print service code refers to application-local1.properties. from where we can get the correct values for this properties file?
We were not able to resolve Error 3 at our end and we seek your support here.
Could you please help us with Query 1, Query 2, Error 1, Error 2 and Error 3.
Looking forward for your kind support.