Android Registration Client - Wireframe for review

Hello All,

The prototype wireframe for the biometric data capture and preview screens of the android registration client are available here

Please provide your feedback and review comments for the same.


Initial feedback
-Looks nice
-Would be good to show the interface from log-in

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Thanks @Krish
We will share the remaining pages when the draft is ready.

The designs look good.

Should the buttons be called next?

Also, I am not sure if the buttons in the bottom part of the screen would be convenient for the operator to use. Should we think about some kind of movable buttons?

As per SBI draft specification fingerprint preview is part of SBI/MDS in Andorid, so streaming not available in android Registration client., so please clarify that point.

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@vishnuaggarwal Yes, streaming is not part of the android reg client instead we should bring the SBI to the foreground for the streaming preview. Once captured we should take them back to the reg client and show the captured fingerprint

@rakhi We should add some of that streaming preview in the wireframe.

I have made a note @gsasikumar