Android Registration Client Updated Roadmap 2024

Dear Community Members,

A few days ago, we published the Android Registration Client Roadmap for 2024.

After reorganizing and refining our features, we are excited to unveil the updated planned feature list for Android Registration Client. :spiral_calendar:
This roadmap encapsulates our vision for the ongoing & future development of our product. :rocket:

Here is the Roadmap for Android Registration Client for 2024:

Quarter 2 [2024]
Feature 1: Operator Onboarding
Feature 2: Update Operator Biometrics
Feature 3: Dashboard

Quarter 3 [2024]
Feature 1: Match SDK
Feature 2: Update UIN
Feature 3: Download Pre-registration Data
Feature 4: Logout
Feature 5: Application Upload/ Export
Feature 6: Retrieve Lost UIN
Feature 7: Reset Password
Feature 8: Forgot Password
Feature 9: Check Version Updates
Feature 10: Telemetry Analysis

Quarter 3 [2024]
Feature 1: Quality SDK
Feature 2: Applicant Biometric Correction
Feature 3: Center Re-mapping
Feature 4: Supervisor’s Approval
Feature 5: Settings
Feature 6: Sync Activities
Feature 7: Telemetry Implementation
Feature 8: Scan PRID QR code to pre-fill data
Feature 9: Error Handling & Auditing
Feature 10: Landscape and phone support

Feature 1: Filters in Dashboard
Feature 2: Book a home appointment
Feature 3: Scan written text to fill data

You can view the detailed roadmap for 2024 by clicking here .

Please be aware that this roadmap is subject to change as we continuously iterate and adapt to feedback, market trends, and internal priorities. :dart:

Your suggestions, feature requests, or any other feedback are highly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for the same. :spiral_notepad:

We greatly value your feedback! :white_flower:

Warm regards,
On Behalf of MOSIP
Pragya Kumari
Product Owner - Android Registration Client