Admin UI - How to create, update and delete administrative zones

Now that MOSIP platform v3 is running it is time to use the modules.

I have been able to create users with global admin and zonal admin roles and was able to create machines.

But when creating centers, there was no choice to add a different administrative zone different from what is there by default.

I searched and looked at documentations but I couldn’t find how to create administrative zone for our country. There is also no way to update the zones available by default. There may also be a need to delete a zone in the future.

Can anyone help me how to do this, particularly creating and updating administrative zones specific to my country using the Administration web UI?

Thank you very much.

In MOSIP’s Admin Portal, we have a Bulk Upload feature for Master Data, where you can insert, update or delete (soft delete) any records in Master Data by using CSVs or EXCEL files.

  1. Login to Admin Portal as a Global Admin & Zonal Admin role
  2. Navigate to Bulk Upload > Master Data > Upload Data
  3. Select the operation of your choice: Insert, Update or Delete
  4. Select the master data table to modify
  5. Download the sample CSV or EXCEL available for the selected table
  6. Add the data in the CSV or EXCEL sheet and upload the file
  7. Once the upload is successful and the transaction is complete, you should be able to view the modifications in respective drop downs

The above details with screenshots is available here:

Thanks you.

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What is the use case we are trying to solve here ? What exactly you mean by an administrative zone and what do you intend to do from an administrative zone ?

I am following what is discussed in MOSIP 1.2 Documentation. Administration - MOSIP Docs 1.2.0
I am creating administrative zones that are specific to my country.
Here is an excerpt from the documentation:

Administrative zones

  • Administrative zones are virtual boundaries which a country can define to better manage their resources that are used during registrations. These resources includes Centers, Users, Machines and Devices. These zones can be defined in a hierarchical fashion and a country can allocate resources to such zones based on their requirements.
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