Resident manage my vid

can you please check your onboarder report whether it is success or not.
or you can check that whether this issue is there for all partner using below api.


  "request": {
    "credentialType": "qrcode",
    "sharableAttributes": [],
    "encrypt": "true",
    "recepiant": "",
    "otp": "241226",
    "additionalData": {},
    "encryptionKey": "abc123",
    "individualId": "uin or vid",
    "user": "string",
    "issuer": "mpartner-default-print",
    "transactionID": "1234567890"
  "requesttime": "",
  "id": "string",
  "version": "v1"

please check whether this issue is coming for all partners or only for specific partner

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Hi @sathwikasj ,

Can you confirm whether this issue have been resolved? if it is resolved then can you share the feedback on this which can help other members also

Varaniya S