Release Announcement : Manage Credentials Your Way - Inji Web v0.8.0 Launches!

Dear MOSIP Community,

We’re thrilled to announce the official launch of Inji Web, a user-friendly web portal designed to complement the existing Inji Mobile Wallet!

Introducing Inji Web v0.8.0: Developer Release

This first release focuses on providing a seamless experience for downloading VCs as PDFs. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Download VCs as PDFs: Inji Web, our new online portal, lets you securely download your verifiable credentials as PDFs anytime, anywhere. It integrates with Mimoto and eSignet to fetch credentials from issuers.

Refer to our detailed release notes here to know more about what Inji Web v0.8.0 is presenting to the community.

Did Inji Web excite you and invoke your curiosity to know more? Visit this link to dive in.

This wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of our incredible team. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who poured their expertise and unwavering support into making Inji Web a reality. We also want to express our sincere appreciation to each one of you in the MOSIP community :slightly_smiling_face:. Your contributions, fostering a collaborative environment and commitment to open-source solutions, have been invaluable.

Looking Ahead !

We’re continuously developing Inji Web to offer even more features and functionalities. Stay tuned for future updates!

Best regards,
On behalf of Harini Sampathkumar
Product Owner - Inji Web

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Dear MOSIP Community,

The first version of Inji Web v0.8.0 is now available on our collab environment for users to test and explore its initial features.

To explore Inji Web in the Collab environment, click Inji-web-collab!

Best regards,
On behalf of Harini Sampathkumar
Product Owner - Inji Web