Release Announcement: Inji Mobile - v0.12.0 is here!

Dear MOSIP Community,

We are thrilled to announce the next release of Inji Mobile - v0.12.0 which is compatible with v0.12.0 Mimoto.

Inji Mobile 0.12.0 introduces significant changes designed to elevate the user experience through enhanced UI features and improvements. Additionally, this release includes several key features and a new QR code generation library.

Key Highlights:

a. Features added to the Download Functionality:

  1. Credential Type Selection
  2. VC Verification
  3. QR Code Generation for VC

b. Library:

  • QR Code Generation: PixelPass

c. UI/UX Enhancements:

  • Card View UI Changes
  • VC Share Optimization
  • Activity Log Enhancements
  • GenderMag Fixes

d. Data Backup Enhancements

For more details about the features of Inji mobile 0.12.0, please refer to our detailed release notes here.

Additionally, you can find comprehensive documentation about Inji Mobile Wallet here.

Our heartfelt gratitude to the entire team for their unwavering commitment, dedication, and relentless support, which have been crucial to the success of this release.

We also greatly value the continued involvement of the MOSIP community for taking time to provide feedback which is invaluable as we strive to collaboratively improve Inji Mobile.

Warm regards,
Harini Sampathkumar
Product Owner - Inji
On behalf of MOSIP Team

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