Release Announcement: eSignet VCI <v.1.2.0> is here!

Dear All,

We are excited to announce the release of eSignet VCI v1.2.0.
After the successful launch of eSignet v1.1.0, we’re thrilled to introduce our latest release, which mainly focuses on the VC Issuance feature.

What’s New in eSignet VCI release v1.2.0:

  • Verifiable Credentials Issuance : Enhanced to support OID4VCI flows.
  • Signed Consent : Secure storage of consent in a dedicated consent registry & scoping requests accordingly.
  • Addition of PKCE Security Extension: Support for the PKCE security extension, enabling secure exchange of an authorization code for a token.
  • Multiple Wallet Support : Employ multiple wallets and enable wallet-based authentication to scan a QR code and seamlessly complete the authentication process.
  • Extended Multi-Language Support for eSignet : While eSignet offers comprehensive language support for a default set of languages, with this enhancement, you can go ahead and incorporate additional languages as necessary to accommodate specific country requirements, which is also compatible with right-to-left (RTL) languages.

For further details on the above features, please refer to our detailed release notes available here .

We are grateful to our team, whose creativity, technical expertise, and collaborative spirit were critical to the success of this milestone.

Thank you and watch this space for more updates.

Best regards,
On behalf of MOSIP,
Resham Chugani
Product Manager