Release Announcement: Introducing eSignet v1.4.0

Dear MOSIP Community,

We’re excited to unveil the latest version of eSignet, v1.4.0! This update expands our authentication capabilities with the introduction of a new feature:

  • Knowledge-Based Identification: (KBI) This personalized and reliable process leverages individual-specific information to provide enhanced security
  • Additional Improvements (Issue Fixes): We’ve addressed known issues from v1.3.0 to ensure a smoother experience

For a detailed breakdown of the features and improvements in eSignet v1.4.0, please refer to our comprehensive release notes.

Additionally, you can find in-depth documentation on eSignet for your reference.

We appreciate your continued involvement as an integral part of the MOSIP community. Your engagement and feedback are invaluable as we work to make eSignet even better.

Best regards,
Ivan Emmanuel
Product Owner - eSignet
On behalf of the MOSIP Team

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