Multiple Credential Types configuration

Hi Team,

I’m trying to do the inji-certify configuration for one issuer issuing multiple type of verifiable credentials. I have created 2 different schemas. In the esignet/certify properties file how should we specify individual_id, kba_fields and registry search url for multiple use cases?

Hi @Aniket_Aditya,

Thank you reaching out, we will look into your query and one of our SMEs will get back to you with a response.

Best Regards

Hi Team,

Can we have an update on this?

Hi @Aniket_Aditya ,

Can you specify which plugin you have configured as the identity provider? By your question, I believe that you are trying to configure Sunbird plugin to issue two different identities.

You can take a look at this example where we’ve configured two credentials with different properties of the same.

ref: inji-config/ at develop · mosip/inji-config · GitHub