Dear Partners and Peer Contributors,
Season’s greetings!
It’s been a great year, and you’ve been a big part of it!
As we draw close to the end of the year and move into the holiday season, let’s take a moment to reflect on our ride thus far. The post below echoes our key accomplishments and happenings through the year which was full of both, challenges and opportunities.
YOU made this the success that it was. Thank you for the significant value, energy and creativity you continue to bring to the table! We at MOSIP are incredibly thankful for what we’ve achieved together as a community. Looking forward to an upbeat 2023 with your continued support and contribution.
Our Key Milestones
2022 was a year of growth and transposition in many ways. Here is our year-end summary at a glance.
Long Term Support For 1.2.0 Release
A significant milestone and yet another feather on our cap, we were delighted to announce the official release of MOSIP 1.2.0 LTS (Asymmetric Amoeba), on 14 Feb’22. A long yet worthy journey from our previous release of 1.0, this release is the cumulative of powerful features, fixes, enhancements, administrative tools and reporting mechanisms from our interim releases. For the full release update, please visit Releases - MOSIP Docs 1.2.0. -
V3 Deployment Architecture
Here we go again! 1.2.0 was just the starting point. Adding to the tooling around Asymmetric Amoeba, we released support for an improved and advanced deployment architecture, V3 deployment. This will get you started for your production deployments. -
Security should be built-in and not bolt-on. Taking our security checks to the next level, we successfully completed security audit as part of MOSIP 1.2.0 LTS (Asymmetric Amoeba), which was certified by Aujas. We have also significantly tested the components for scale and performance. You can cater to your millions of customers with confidence. Our efforts in this space continue to provide you even more comfort in choosing MOSIP. -
We at MOSIP continue to be diligently committed to being aligned with standards. This year we joined forces with GovStack on specifications for ID building blocks. We embraced OpenID standards to support our solutions like Mobile ID, Verifiable Credentials and Wallets and we are actively working to enhance the standards to meet emerging needs. We have also been involved in spearheading secure biometrics interfaces in adherence to IEEE P3167. With promising engagements like G2PConnect on the horizon, we hope to make more headway next year. -
Device Certification Framework
As MOSIP adoptions accelerate across the world, a growing community of partners and vendors are geared up to make MOSIP-compliant biometric devices and solutions available worldwide. To this end, we are delighted to be partnering with Australia-based NIST/NVLAP and FIDO-accredited biometric testing lab, BixeLab for assistance in the creation of a certification framework. The framework aims to provide an independent “certification” or “assurance” mechanism for the biometric devices that MOSIP users deploy, which will be especially useful for smaller/adopting countries, which may have limited bandwidth to build in-house certification schemes.
Visit MOSIP Integrations for details on our ecosystem. Write to for information on the ecosystem or on how to become a MOSIP Partner. -
Did you hear about our Marketplace? Envisioned as an online space for country adopters to discover partners and solutions compliant with MOSIP, our Marketplace displays devices and solutions that are under different stages of Compliance for easy access and assessment. Head here to know more or to understand more about our range of globally available products & solutions that are ready-to-use with MOSIP. With a soft launch right now, we hope in the near future to create more ways for you to showcase your wares. -
It is very rightly said that “In today’s complex and fast-moving world, what we need even more than foresight or hindsight is insight.” Taking a plunge into amplifying our research mindset, we collaborated with IIITB, on working towards an optimized and viable solution for Privacy-preserving ID verification. This is built using homomorphic encryption that doesn’t enforce decryption for authentication, moving towards zero trust infrastructure. In addition, we are collaborating with The Alan Turing Institute on a POC to facilitate generation and display of QR codes for authentication using the standard SIM ToolKit (STK) API. The intent is to permit low-cost, basic and feature phones to offer SIM-secured authentication modes based on QR codes. Refer here for details. -
MOSIP Experience Centre
As we speak and as you read through this space, we are pleased to be consistently enhancing our MOSIP Experience Centre (MEC), which provides an immersive experience of the MOSIP ID issuance process, right from enrolment to ID generation to use case demonstrations. Designed to provide value proposition to Countries, Academia and Partner ecosystem, we have grown multi-fold since our launch in Dec’21. Our expansion comes to light this year with varied categories of products and solutions integrated and demonstrated, including Mobile ID application, tablet based registrations, print solutions etc., all above MOSIP 1.2.0 LTS (Asymmetric Amoeba). We also tried our hands on showcasing stand-alone technology solutions like palm print and voice based biometrics as a start to many other such accomplishments. To know more, write to -
MOSIP’s Participation in DPG Initiatives
Taking our mission of “ID is what ID enables” forward, we were and are delighted to continually engage in initiatives that help us unlock the true power of digital identity. Here are a few initiatives we fraternized with.- OpenCRVS: As a solution showcase, our team successfully demonstrated the value of seamless integration between MOSIP and the civil registration system OpenCRVS.
- OpenG2P: Another wonderful association to talk about! We were glad to collaborate with OpenG2P, that brings together a suite of digital public goods (DPGs) to enable governments and humanitarian agencies to identify, onboard, and deliver cash and non-cash benefits to people. Through this collaboration, we will boost the vision of OpenG2P by providing stewardship to lead its technical roadmap and governance, and explore reference implementations, connecting the OpenG2P technology stack with its open-source identity management solutions.
- G2PConnect: Where MOSIP ID was leveraged for authentication and deduplication, to exhibit an integrated solution for governments, to fast-track the benefits delivery process involving cash or near-cash social assistance payments.
Expanding Our Orbit
Finer Documentation
Our documentation has evolved over time, thereby making a huge difference in resolving the issue of accessibility and assistive technology. The availability of our comprehensive and well-devised user guides for all modules has helped us and our community to move one step closer towards simplified ways of working autonomously. So do look into it and gain out of it! If you still find parts that can be better, please do bring it to our attention. -
Active Community Forum
Have you checked out our online community forum yet? If not, then do it now!
Why? Because, besides the curated knowledge that our user guides provide, our active community forum has aided in organically generating conversational knowledge which has been a great source of input to our existing stack of documentation. This has been a recent but fruitful development across the year, that has helped us a great deal in progressing towards a self-service and self-resolution based approach, which is essentially crowdsourced through technically rich discussions in our forum.
So come, engage, network, contribute and help us collaboratively build a better platform.
What Lies Ahead…
While this year has been extremely fulfilling bringing in the highest contributions so far, in the upcoming year, we aim to do a lot more with a thriving active community and with your endearing support. Let’s together put ID to work! Click here to continue contributing.
And do watch out this space for our upcoming announcements and exciting events like MOSIP Opensource Day on 14Feb’23!
Stay Connected…
To know more about us or get in touch with us:
- Visit our website
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MOSIP Academy
- Click here to explore MOSIP and contribute
Thank you once again for being a part of our eventful journey.
Wishing you a bright and cheerful festive season ahead.
Hope to see you on the other side of 2023 with the same enthusiasm!
Resham Chugani,
On behalf of the MOSIP Team.