Right away I saw where my mistake is -
I have been following this MOSIP-infra github - mosip-infra/deployment/v3 at master · mosip/mosip-infra · GitHub
Thank you!
I have to read through this and try again. GitHub - mosip/k8s-infra: Kubernetes infrastructure to deploy MOSIP modules.
After going through this briefly, it only takes care of setting up the Kubernetes cluster.
I guess it means going back to MOSIP-infra github v3 and then follow the instructions in installing the MOSIP external components and core modules:
# MOSIP External Components
This folder contains installation procedures for all components that are not part of core mosip offering - they need to be installed separately and integrated. MOSIP has provided reference/mock implementations of some of these components that may be used for development and testing. Some components may run inside the cluster itself, or outside depending on the choice of deployment.
## External components
* [Postgres](postgres/README.md)
* [IAM (Keycloak)](iam/README.md)
* [HSM](hsm/README.md)
* [Object Storage](object_store/README.md)
* [Anti-virus (Clamav)](antivirus/clamav/README.md)
* [ActiveMQ](activemq/aws/README.md)
* [Kafka](kafka/README.md)
* [BioSDK](biosdk/README.md)
* [ABIS](abis/README.md)
* [Message Gateways](msg_gateway/README.md)
Is that right?