Failed to install MOSIP

It is on-prem.
Following the without-DNS guide. I set up 9 VMs in VMWare Worksation.
2 VMs for Observation Cluster nodes, 1 VM for Observation Nginx server.
5 VMs for MOSIP Cluster nodes, 1 VM for MOSIP Nginx server.
All VMs have there static ip in my local network
Since this only used for local testing. I do not setup anything for WireGuard
And in the Observation K8s Cluster setup steps, the rke up command finished with “Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully”
But in the MOSIP K8s Cluster setup steps, just finished with what I have posted.
I am new to k8s and MOSIP, hope I am not missing something or misunderstanding something.
Actually , I am confused by the install order of the MOSIP parts. From the documents and github ReadMe markdown, it seems the external components of MOSIP is installed after Rancher and MOSIP k8s cluster. But in some posts here in community, it seems the external components should be installed first (MOSIP cluster - NGINX VMs, DNS Requirements, Istio ...using RKE/Rancher - #3 by rcsampang)?