Installing Mosip 1.1.5 for dev purposes

Hello , Do i need to set up sandbox for development purpose or i can just run them directly in my local machine.

One more question please, is still a viable guide for version 1.1.5 , because i found a lot of missing things in it ?

Thank you for replying

Hi @Haitam_Elb

You can use this Sandbox Installer - MOSIP Docs 1.1.5 but as you said few things are missing for V 1.1.5 so to support you with missing details our deployment team will look into this can you specify the issue that you faced in deployment.

@syed.salman Please look into this!

Best Regards,

Thank you for replying ,

I followed instructions on commons/ at · mosip/commons (,
It says launch kernel-masterdata-service and the kernel-config-server but these two doesn’t exist in commons/kernel

Hi @Haitam_Elb

Sorry for the information not being published.
Kernel-masterdata-service is moved to admin-services/admin/kernel-masterdata-service at master · mosip/admin-services · GitHub

and for kernel-config-server, we no more maintain it and we use mosipid/config-server:1.1.2 docker image for all our local / prod deployments.

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