Injivery scan QR code is giving credential is invalid error

We have created a credential using sunbirdrc and integration also done, from inji mobile able to add/download the card. But we are facing issue while scan QRcode from Injiverify. Please help on this.

@ShivaKumar can you please check this?

@ShivaKumar Please check this and update

@karthiksj Please provide more details on the credential used. Like please the qr code used or vc.
One possibility is that, we need to take the credential part of the json received in response from sunbird to generate the qr as follows.
The response format from Sunbird:

    "credential": {
        < actual-vc >

Please extract the credential object from above response to generate the qr.
Please share the VC details if this doesn’t fix the issue or if there are more queries.

@ShivaKumar We are using below qrcode.

@karthiksj The problem is with the issuer did doc which is hosted here:
This should be just a json object and not json array. Please remove the array part and then verify the VC.

@karthiksj I hope the issue is fixed now :slight_smile:

Dear @karthiksj ,

This is to check back on your query and the solution inputs our experts provided here, Please let us know if the issue got resolved.

Best Regards

@ShivaKumar I have modified the did.json as below and created new credential again but QRcode scanning is still having issue. QR code also attached below.

“@context”: [
“id”: “”,
“alsoKnownAs”: [
“service”: ,
“verificationMethod”: [
“id”: “”,
“type”: “Ed25519VerificationKey2020”,
“@context”: “”,
“controller”: “”,
“publicKeyMultibase”: “z6MkjQTWLkVa7EMnjYaxrK1ikUmTaqLr3xkzya5VbxJCYnjh”
“authentication”: [
“assertionMethod”: [


Dear @karthiksj,

We will look into this and respond shortly.

Best Regards

@ShivaKumar Please update on this.

@karthiksj I am checking on this. I will get back on this as soon as possible.

@ShivaKumar Still waiting for the update

@ShivaKumar Any update on this.

Hi @karthiksj

@ShivaKumar will reply to this today!

Apologies for the delay from our end.

Best regards,
Sanchi Singh

@karthiksj Apologies for the delay.
I see that there is some issue in the VC format. Could you please share the details on how/where this qr/vc is created?

@ShivaKumar We are having our own sunbirdrc setup there we have created VC. What exactly you need from this. Do you need access to this env.

Is it possible to have a call based on your availability.

Hi @karthiksj

We don’t need access to the environment but our team wanted to explore if the VC is issued using Sunbird registry which lib you have used for generating the QR code and will be able to share the details on how you created the VC.

Our team can connect with you tomorrow as it already looks tough to connect today. If in case we cannot get a full understanding of the issue by EOD.

Best regards,

@karthiksj Are you using Inji Mobile? Can you please share some steps on how the VC and QR are generated?
The issue is with a couple of fields in a wrong format which only existed in develop branch(unreleased) and fix is pushed now for this after internal testing. Please make sure to use master branch(or the latest code from develop branch) from Inji Mobile if you are building the app locally.

@ShivaKumar We are using Inji mobile