Hello all, We have been trying to do a setup of inji certify for mock credential use case. We receive a pkce_failed error when hitting the end point “v2/token” while using a ‘code’ generated via curl commands. While using a ‘code’ generated via postman we are able to get results. Bellow is the link to the shell script:
@Vijai_Shree_S Please ignore the above-proposed change, noticed that I was using echo -n option in some steps.
However I was not able to reproduce PKCE error with latest version of esignet. May I know the eSignet version used?
we used esignet 1.4.0
Hello @Vijai_Shree_S ,
we have generated the code verifier and code challenge using the given script with eSignet 1.4.0 version and we are able to get the required response. Hence attaching the screenshots for the reference. Thank you
Thanks for it @MohamedHumair_Kankud , we were able to get it using postman but when tried with command line we were not abled to. i will check with it again as well. Could you please confirm if you are able to get the token using command line as well.
Yes @Vijai_Shree_S , we tried with postman but the code challenge and code verifier are generated from the same script which you have shared. Hence in my humble opinion it should work in both the case. Thanks!
Thank you so much @MohamedHumair_Kankud , will look into it