Exciting Partnership with CMU Africa for Digital ID Hackathon

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Africa’s Upanzi Network for a Digital ID hackathon, organized in collaboration with Microsave Consulting (MSC) and other stakeholders such as Smart Africa, National ID authorities across Africa, universities, and opensource communities.

Starting July 2024, regional hackathons will be held across East, West, North, and South Africa over 12 months, each focusing on themes such as health, education, agriculture, and citizen access to public services. This initiative aims to enhance digital ID capacity in Africa, culminating in an event at the ID4Africa conference 2025 for the expansion of use cases of digital ID in Africa.

MOSIP is delighted to join this initiative as a Knowledge Partner and Mentor. We will train participants on MOSIP solutions, facilitating an understanding and appreciation of digital foundational ID and its societal benefits. We will also provide technical support for the potential real-world application of use cases and prototypes through the MOSIP Sandbox, and offer support via the MOSIP Community’s Discord channel.

We look forward to a successful and impactful event, and we wish CMU, MSC, all stakeholders, and participants the very best!

Best regards,
On behalf of the MOSIP Team,
Resham Chugani
Product Manager, Use Cases & Integrations

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