When attempting to run the Docker container for the Mock Relying Party UI, the following error occurs:
/artifactory/libs-release-local/i18n/mock-relying-party-i18n-bundle.zip: Scheme missing.
where do i get the “artifactory_url_env”
When attempting to run the Docker container for the Mock Relying Party UI, the following error occurs:
/artifactory/libs-release-local/i18n/mock-relying-party-i18n-bundle.zip: Scheme missing.
where do i get the “artifactory_url_env”
Hi @Yeabsera, and welcome to MOSIP.
Our previously released version of mock-relying-party-ui and esignet-ui depended on the MOSIP Artifactory server. so it expects to provide an artifactory base URL in “artifactory_url_env”.
I suggest you use the below docker-compose to bring up the mock-relying party portal without needing an external Artifactory server.
Refer readme: esignet-mock-services/docker-compose/README.md at release-0.10.x · mosip/esignet-mock-services · GitHub
It worked perfectly! I can’t thank you enough; I’ve been stuck on this for a week.