Building ID-Authentication Repo

Hi we’re trying to build the ID-Authentication Repo release

we’re having an error upon using mvn clean install

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project authentication-core: Could not resolve dependencies for project io.mosip.authentication:authentication-core:jar: Failed to collect dependencies at io.mosip.kernel:kernel-demographics-api:jar: Failed to read artifact descriptor for io.mosip.kernel:kernel-demographics-api:jar: The following artifacts could not be resolved: io.mosip.kernel:kernel-demographics-api:pom: (absent): Could not transfer artifact io.mosip.kernel:kernel-demographics-api:pom: from/to ossrh ( PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target → [Help 1]

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Hi @carlvin48, it is because of the SSL certificate validation failure while downloading the dependencies. You need to check with your trust store to see why the certificate is not present. Or you can bypass the ssl certificate validation by using below argument in the maven build command.


Hi @carlvin48

Were you able to solve the issue based on the resolution provided by @LoganathanSekar7627 ? Please let us know if you need further assistance with this or facing any other issues.

Best Regards,