Announcement: Inji Hotfix Release (0.9.1)

Hey everyone!

We are thrilled to announce the much-awaited release of Inji hotfix version-0.9.1! :rocket:

Just a few weeks ago, we unveiled the first version of Inji version - 0.9.0, and now, we’re back with a hotfix release that includes exciting updates!

  • Enhanced VC transfer to more devices
  • New error codes for VC transfer issues
  • Optimized Bluetooth permissions
  • Upgraded to MMKV storage for more VCs storage.

We’ve got detailed release notes for version-0.9.1 right here :bookmark:

A massive shout-out and heartfelt gratitude to our incredible team – the maestros behind this marvellous project.

Stay tuned, because we’re cooking up something awesome – coming your way very soon! :tada:

Curious to learn more about Inji and its incredible features? Head over to this link :notebook:

Thank you all for your unwavering support and encouragement.

Best regards,

On behalf of MOSIP
Pragya Kumari
Product Owner, Inji

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