Looking for a integrator with mosip


As part of one of our client’s project, my society is looking for a MOSIP-specialized integrator to form a consortium and submit a joint proposal (a tender).

We have strong expertise in developing software and applications for various governments and are seeking an experienced partner proficient in MOSIP integration to effectively meet the project’s requirements.

Please, Could you share with us some expert profils who can able to support us in this matter?

Please let us know your availability to discuss if needed.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,
Stephanie Toe

Hello Stephanie;

Thanks for the email.

May i request you to please provide more details on the requirement , this will help us understand and guide you further. Please do write to us siengagement@mosip.io

Thank You.

  • Suraj

Hello Suraj,
Ok Thanks. I will qend my email