Esignet Associated with Inij-certify keeps restarting

I am deploying inji-certify docker compose (inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify/docker-compose.yml at master · mosip/inji-certify · GitHub), but the container for the esignet keeps restarting.

The error from the container is as seen below in the link below:

Dear @Samuel_Emmanuel ,

Thank you for reaching out, We are looking into your query and one of our expert colleagues will respond to it here.

Best Regards

Hi @Samuel_Emmanuel

Please use the below steps to fix this:

  1. Please find the esignet container and stop it.
  2. Go to the docker-compose-certify directory where you’re deploying certify from and do docker compose up. This will bring up a new eSignet container back up again with the same configuration and the issue will be resolved.

Hello @Harsh_Vardhan

Thank you for the response,

Did as instructed, but issues persist,

Hi @Samuel_Emmanuel ,

Asking @balaji-alluru to take a look.

Thank you @Harsh_Vardhan

Just trying to do a follow up on the status of this.

Also, I’d like to ask if there’s a documentation on how to run the inji-certify locally (i.e without the use of docker-compose. Just building and running the source code)


Hello @Samuel_Emmanuel

Based on the details shared, you are using 1.4.1 version of esignet. In the inji-certify docker compose we can notice that it is configured to download the required runtime dependencies from “http://artifactory-server:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/esignet/esignet-wrapper.ziphere

But in the shared logs we see this log line - “Downloaded wrapper file is not a zip archive”

We are checking this from our side. I hope there is no local changes in the docker compose.

Thank you for being so patient. We will soon come back on this.

thanks & regards,

@Samuel_Emmanuel could you confirm the file in the artifactory container? It should look like the screenshot below.

Thank you Anusha,

No local change was made in the docker compose file. We are using it as is.

Find the screenshot attached.

Thank you

Hello @Samuel_Emmanuel

Kindly follow either one of the approach:

Approach 1: Using the loader_path to load runtime dependencies

  1. Download below 2 jars and copy them to the external mount directory (“loader_path/esignet”)
  2. Open terminal and go to this directory “inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify”
  3. Run this command docker compose down -v --remove-orphans
  4. Execute the script under “docker-compose” directory.
  5. Check docker ps -a to see if the esignet is up and running.
  6. Try to open esignet swagger

Approach 2: Using artifcatory-server to load runtime dependencies

  1. Go to “inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify” directory and Open docker-compose.yml file. Comment loader_path volume mount line in the esignet component. And Uncomment esignet_wrapper_url_env=http://artifactory-server:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/esignet/ line under environment in esignet component.
  2. Save the docker-compose.yml file.
  3. Open terminal and go to this directory “inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify”
  4. Run this command docker compose down -v --remove-orphans
  5. Execute the script under “docker-compose” directory.
  6. Check docker ps -a to check if the esignet is up and running.
  7. Try to open esignet swagger

Note: “mock-esignet-integration-impl-0.9.3.jar” dependency is added in the loader_path in the first approach and the second approach both the jars are pulled from artifactory-server automatically.

AuditPlugin implementation is present in the “mock-esignet-integration-impl-0.9.3.jar” dependency

thanks & regards,

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Thank you @Anusha_sunkadh

I use the first approach as recommended and issue solved.
