Go to the docker-compose-certify directory where you’re deploying certify from and do docker compose up. This will bring up a new eSignet container back up again with the same configuration and the issue will be resolved.
Just trying to do a follow up on the status of this.
Also, I’d like to ask if there’s a documentation on how to run the inji-certify locally (i.e without the use of docker-compose. Just building and running the source code)
Approach 2: Using artifcatory-server to load runtime dependencies
Go to “inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify” directory and Open docker-compose.yml file. Comment loader_path volume mount line in the esignet component. And Uncomment esignet_wrapper_url_env=http://artifactory-server:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/esignet/esignet-wrapper.zip line under environment in esignet component.
Save the docker-compose.yml file.
Open terminal and go to this directory “inji-certify/docker-compose/docker-compose-certify”
Run this command docker compose down -v --remove-orphans
Execute the install.sh script under “docker-compose” directory.
Check docker ps -a to check if the esignet is up and running.
Note: “mock-esignet-integration-impl-0.9.3.jar” dependency is added in the loader_path in the first approach and the second approach both the jars are pulled from artifactory-server automatically.
AuditPlugin implementation is present in the “mock-esignet-integration-impl-0.9.3.jar” dependency